How we work
MahoganyMermaids® is defined as a mobile corporation. Our in-person events occur in different areas of the country depending on need, while all others are virtual. Our goal is to uplift and support students who have an interest in the aquatic sciences. Many students don't realize that it is an option to pursue a successful career by studying the earth and its components. We provide informative programs and presentations at schools/aquariums to educate and inform students as well as assisting educators in the community.
Upcoming Events
January 2021: building a virtual community
After a shift in “normalcy”, we wanted to continue to support our members at a safe distance. We have created a MahoganyMermaids Slack Channel . Here we want to highlight the talent of marine scientists and even build closer bonds in our #hbcumarinescientists, #marinescientistsofcolor, and #blackmarinescientists channels.
Summer 2017:
summer 2017 was so successful we decided to continue posting MAhoganyMermaid members all year! introducing making a splash!
Submit a photo(s) to the email: aliyah.griffith@mahoganymermaids.org with a brief description of your summer research, course, or aquatic activities, etc. Hope to hear about your great adventures!
Past Events
August 2017:
the one-year Anniversary of Mahoganymermaids!!
August 8th was our one year anniversary. We decided to search for a new look, new events, and even some new support to give to the community! We are building our brand to reach more students with our new links above labeled "Our Events", "Shop" and "Apply". Soon we will have a scholarship opportunity, a new upcoming events calendar and a new way for you to donate through the purchase of our new shirts and other merchandise.
FebRuary 4th 2017
A few of our Mermaids volunteered at a local event in Norfolk, VA educating children from ages 3 - 12 about science. They took part in representing elements of the land and sea to showcase the diversity of Marine and Environmental Science through the use of art/science projects. Good Job Ladies and Keep Swimming!!
December 27th 2016
MahoganyMermaids launched an Instagram page: @mahoganymermaids.
We will be posting inspiration quotes, upcoming events, STEM facts, uplifting comments, and more. Go follow us and join our enthusiastic school of fish!
“One of the things that I really strongly believe in is that we need to have more girls interested in math, science, and engineering. We’ve got half the population that is way underrepresented in those fields and that means that we’ve got a whole bunch of talent…not being encouraged the way they need to.”
President Barack Obama | February 2013

Some of our volunteers enjoying each others company and encouraging each member's success.

Hampton University's Prem Event: Feb. 4th
Our MahoganyMermaid Volunteer Ileana showcasing 2 of the art projects made with the children at the event.

MahoganyMermaid Volunteers and our CEO connecting with Hampton University Students to help explain science to kids at the PREM program.

ASLO 2017
One of our mermaids, Danielle Budden, making a splash with her aquaculture research at the 2017 National ASLO Conference.
Ready to help?